Why, computer, WHY?! WHY DO YOU SOUND LIKE YOU ARE GOING TO DIE?! I am in dyer need of a new computer. If someone could direct me to an amazing website with amazing deals on computer parts and/or computers, I would be delighted. Preferably with parts, since I want to build my own computer. Not super expensive either. I'm not rich, yo.
Here is my Facebook page, like it if you wish. :) I post when I upload a new song.
LOL! This is so GREAT! I highly recommend that you WATCH IT! ;D
To the immature zero bomber who keeps zero bombing my songs: I know for a fact that my songs do not deserve zeros. If you are going to zero bomb my songs, then at least give me a good reason for doing so. I am very ill and my longevity is not long. I am a musician who is simply trying the best I can to compose songs and get noticed fast. You are making it very hard for that to happen. I would appreciate if you would stop being an immature little bastard. You are hindering my work from being noticed and it is really starting to piss me off.